Oh how sad I was when this film ended. It’s a case of that eternal argument: book vs film. Unfortunately the book kicked the film’s ass. I really enjoy Christopher Priest’s fiction and was looking forward to Christopher Nolan’s treatment of this work. The film lacks any of the punch of the book’s storyline and when it does try to punch it missteps on the timing of the reveal as it were. The actors are solid, the sets and costumes are very detailed. The story unfortunately drags and drags and emphasizes minor points that should have been left in the background. One nice surprise was the opportunity to see a non-CGI (and non squinting)
Andy Serkis as a supporting character. A wonderful actor who needs to be seen more. Overall a great supporting cast trying to prop up a weakly crafted retelling of a great story.
Favorite moment: Alfred speaking with his daughter from behind prison bars.
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