The Illusionist

I found this film interesting but it's real attraction is the opportunity to see Edward Norton and Paul Giamatti work together. Very funny that a film about European characters unites two of America's premier actors. I was pining for the opportunity to see these two go head to head as New Yorkers in a drama or thriller. Maybe some day! The story was ok but the pacing is so laid back I was being lulled to sleep a little. It felt like it was in auto pilot the whole time leaving no sense of tension or drama. Yes characters clash but at no time did I worry about anybody's safety.. it felt as if it would all turn out well no matter what. The magic is ultimately just a gimmick to move the plot along and is never explained other than to say it is just an illusion. I am looking forward to The Prestige which takes a meatier look at magic (assuming they follow the book). The Illusionist has a quirky nostaligic cinemagraphic style which neither enhances nor interferes with the telling of the story. The sets (actual places in Europe I would guess) are very good looking and the detail to costumes and props is reminiscent of Topsy Turvy. Interesting that this is from a short story by Steven Millhauser. That is good news... maybe someone will try to film Martin Dressler!
Favorite moment: The Illusionist entertaining and helping the street urchins.
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