I am bit perplexed by this film. Actually it's probably not the film but my reaction to it. Totally forgot the Coen brothers had made it so as I was watching I was curious about the director but only mildly so. It was sharp but not engaging The film's cinematography is very striking right from the get go and the opening narration points us to some seriousness to come. Then the film starts and we plod along. It was a nice plod, until Javier Bardem makes his way on screen and then the film goes into horror overdrive. Maybe that is where my problem is. He's creating a monster on film and everyone else is just mellow as can be. Maybe that's the point? Help me movie I need more exposition! I might watch this again in a few years to see if I have the same reaction. In the meantime the reason to see this film is
Javier Bardem. Even with the flowbee haircut he is terrifying and I actually almost had to leave I was so freaked out by him.
Josh Brolin and
Tommy Lee Jones are very good but they seem to be in a different story. Nice supporting performances from
Woody Harrelson,
Kelly MacDonald,
Garret Dillahunt and
Stephen Root. Dillahunt seems to be everywhere I look lately. I am plowing through
Deadwood and he's all over that as well as
Damages. He's a quirky actor and in "No Country" he plays the drawlin' goofy deputy. I was sure he was gonna die but no he lives to tell the tale. Update 1/17/08...This film has haunted me since I saw it last year so I tip my hat to the Coen's for making a lasting experience.
Memorable moment: Chigurh and the gas station owner.
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