I woke up the other day to hear a local entertainment reporter say that this film was better than it should be. Huh? Maybe I dreamed that. I certainly did not keep the radio on to hear the rest. I don't like to read or listen to any reviews before I see a film. I look to see who made it, who's in it and maybe what does the poster look like. Now if I was shortsighted enough to go by this movie's poster (and simple enough to take it literally), I probably would not have gone; and I can only guess that is what my radio reviewer was referring to. On it's face this film is about a guy who keeps a girl chained in house. And frankly quite a few of the solo males in the theater at my screening looked like they were there to learn just how to do that. But that is not what this film is about.
Black Snake Moan is a wonderful passion play about the pain of living with the blues. I loved the language and phrasing in this script. The characters speak concisely and poetically about their fluctuating states of mind. Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci are terrific together as the unlikely duo trying to work through love lost/interrupted. SLJ is not on my list of must see actors, so I was very surprised at what he does here and how I reacted to it. First the physical transformation is very effective. Second he nails the performance. This film also includes a cameo by Kim "Escape From Witch Mountain" Richards though in this film she is the witch.
Film # 103
Memorable moment: Laz playing electric blues to Rae in a lightning storm.
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