It's a long way from
Heathers to
Because I Said So, both chronologically and attitudinally.
Heathers was a very influential film for a generation who were bored by their parents and irritated by the nonsense of high school. Flash forward to 2007 and Michael Lehmann makes a film about the tribulation's of the single helicopter parent. Man is it a different world from 1989. This is a cute comedy which sometimes tries to be a screwball comedy and sometimes tries to be a romantic comedy but never fully achieves being either. It was odd to see Diane Keaton play a character who reinforces the image of women as technological ditzes who can't drive, are only at home in the kitchen and eat when they are sad. Oh the times they are a changin'. The highlight of this movie for me was
Gabriel Macht who plays one of Milly's suitors. A couple other special mentions: the kitchens featured in the film and the various wedding cakes. Though the film is amusing it is nowhere near as funny as the four episodes of
The Comeback that Lehmann directed. They may even rival
Heathers for laughs.
Memorable moment: Johnny's little kid trying to tell a joke to Diane K.
Film# 100
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