I found it rather amusing that I saw this right after “Eternal Sunshine” because it also deals with memory and love. I really, really enjoyed this film, the performances, the settings and the music. I had seen Irwin Winkler’s “Guilty By Suspicion” back in 1991 and sort of liked it but it’s a straight drama as is most everything he did in between. Who knew he could craft a movie musical and do it so well? Kevin Kline is great as Cole Porter and it’s so wonderful to have a chance to see his musical talents on film. Doubt I’ll ever have a chance to see him (or Jonathan Pryce) on stage singing and dancing so I easily forgive any flaws this film might have. The rest of the cast is good and loved seeing modern pop singers in the background musical roles, especially Elvis Costello and Robbie Williams. Very fun!
Favorite moment: Jonathan Pryce and company singing “Blow, Gabriel, Blow” as Cole reaches the end of his life’s review.
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