Let me begin by saying I love the movie
You've Got Mail. I never saw
Sleepless In Seattle or
When Harry Met Sally and I have no plans to. Who the fuck wants to see Billy Crystal in anything and that kid in Sleepless looks annoying. So know you have my history with Nora Ephron's famous romance pics. Though I suppose one could possibly argue that
Silkwood is also an Ephron romance/thriller. For the record I liked Silkwood. Now to the punchline: Julie & Julia is no You've Got Mail. It tries but despite Amy Adams' best efforts to make Julie likable she is annoyingly selfish and shallow. Balancing her story against the rich and bon vivant lifestyle of Meryl Streep's Julia Child made me hate Julie and want to know more about Julia. Maybe that was the point? The Julia Child of this film was a woman who enjoyed both life and food and who jumped head first to be engaged with both. The Julie of this film is a woman seems disappointed by everything in life and can only get satisfaction from it when she boils it down to a checklist of things to to do. She equates success with completing a task and not with taking enjoyment out of the doing of the task or the savoring of the creation. I, like, Julia was disappointed in Julie but not in Amy Adams. She was fun to watch even though she had very little of a human being to work with. Now the real enjoyment of this film is Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci. They are so wonderful together that I wanted a whole film for them in which they could explore the romance of Julia and Paul Child. Oh well c'est la vie! I shall be happy with half a film which I can string together to watch when it comes out on DVD.
Memorable moment: Julia practicing onion cutting at home.
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