Saturday, April 22, 2006

Love, Liza

Didn’t know it when I watched it, but this was directed by the guy who played Dick in “High Fidelity.” Interesting… well not really. And neither is the film. Goes on a bit too long and though Phillip Seymour Hoffman is, of course, very good in the role I couldn’t care less what happened to his character after awhile. The supporting peeps are good though Kathy Bates was given very little to do. More Kathy and Phillip interaction might have spruced this one up. Interesting basic idea but the wife kills-self husband-gets distraught story had more weight in the “Solaris” remake than it does here.
Favorite moment: Denny trying to tell Wilson what the right and wrong atmospheres would be for the opening of his wife’s suicide letter. He recommends candles in the room.


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